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Telling the story of Leander never bores us. It all started in 1998. Stig Leander, who served his apprenticeship as blacksmith, had for some time worked on developing a dining chair with replaceable seat and back. While his work progressed, his sister-in-law became pregnant with twins. And with the pregnancy, an idea came to life.

Today Leander is an international furniture manufacturer designing furniture for children. But it is not just about designing furniture. It is about creating furniture that makes a positive difference and that encourages play, movement and creativity. Furniture created to enhance development. And that makes life with children a little easier.

We believe in shape, function and honest materials. And that the best ideas emerge from a need; a problem that needs to be solved. We still keep to the same design philosophy it all began with. That design and function have to come together. That each item of furniture should fit the child and never in reserve order. Leander is no ordinary furniture manufacturer. Leander is a way of thinking. A feeling. And approach to materials, designs and function.

We are not sure what tomorrow brings us. But one thing is sure: The history of Leander has just started.